Following the release of Fate of Gundabad, this week’s Lord of the Rings Online update brings many fixes, but also Fate of Gundabad’s two new 1-3 player instances
The two new small Fellowship instances, 'Assault on Dhúrstrok' and 'Den of Pughlak', are ready for your level 130-140 teams. If you’ve got the expansion content unlocked, you can join these new dungeons by talking to key NPCs. The new instances also come with new chest rules, with the 3-person instances giving five Favoured pulls per week on tier 1 to tier 3 chests and one weekly pull on tier 4 and 5.
Most of the rest of the update is dedicated to a series of fixes for the expansion content as well as making everything flow together. Chapter 5.1 “Many Masters” will now be considered an on-ramp for the Legacy of Durin and the Trials of the Dwarves. The team still recommends people play Legacy of Durin chapters 1 through 4 but it's no longer required if you just want to get deep into the content. Gundabad missions now count for the quests On a Mission and On a Continued Mission. Starting those weekly quests will now reward embers instead of motes when you start them at level 140.
Other fixes include making the help page load properly, making sure players no longer fall through some sections of the Eastern catwalks, fixing some stuck animations, and making sure that players who are traveling in some missions actually go to the right place.
Importantly, the quest Awakening, which is a conclusion of the story of Gloomingtarn, is now available for everyone. If you already finished the Gloomingtarn history quests, you can return for the new one. For the full list of fixes see the notes on The Lord of the Rings Online. UPDATE: Den of Pughlak is unavailable until further notice due to a significant bug.
Temporary Instance Closure: Den of PughlakThe instance "Den of Pughlak" has been temporarily closed due to a bug which could cause players to get into an endless teleportation state. This issue will be corrected in the near future and the instance will reopen. #LOTRO
— LOTRO (@lotro) November 19, 2021