Cryptic Studios’ games are all affected by a bug that has been affecting PC players’ abilities to log in and play the game. The Neverwinter, Star Trek Online, and Champions Online teams are all asking for patience as Cryptic sorts through the issues.
Neverwinter was reporting some of these issues since late Wednesday, and had scheduled emergency maintenance for yesterday, which was later delayed due to the complexity of the issue. Turns out that the issues are more widespread than just one game, affecting Cryptic’s live games.
The teams have been investigating, and there was maintenance scheduled that did eventually happen. Afterwards, though, it became clear that the deployed patch wasn’t going to cut it. According to an update shared by the STO Twitter account:
“The fix deployed last night is working too slowly, so the team is working to deploy the fix via an alternate method. We have no clear ETA on a fix, but we'll keep you informed this morning.”
According to the Neverwinter team, the issue proved more complex than expected.
“Many of our staff have been working long hours to try and correct the outage, but we're not quite there yet. We still do not have an ETA, due to the unknown nature of some of these issues, but we're making progress.”
Later, there was another update across all three games’ social accounts. With the issues affecting PC players going on for a couple of days now, despite active work on the problem, the team is still working to fix the issue. The shared update was in the name of cutting down on what they call "we have no update" updates”.
Hey gang - don't want to send too many "we have no update" updates, but just to keep you informed, the team is still working hard on trying to pinpoint the best way to fix this issue, which is affecting all Cryptic games right now. Hopefully some good news today.
— Champions Online (@ChampionsFFA) April 7, 2023
So it seems that we’ll know more once they’ve pinpointed a fix that does take. Teams have already said that there will be some make good offerings once they’ve resolved things, and extensions on events.
Work has been completed to fix the issues. PC players will see some compensation gifts.
Adventurers - we're back. Thank you so much for your incredible patience over the last few days. All players on PC will be receiving a package of one week of VIP access, four Keys, and 300k refined Astral Diamonds. Thank you so much for your patience, we appreciate you.
— Neverwinter (@NeverwinterGame) April 7, 2023