EverQuest players are up in arms thanks to a new duplication exploit that has hit the MMO. While a hotfix was rolled out, many players are upset at both a lack of communication from Darkpaw Games, as well as saying the hotfix doesn't do enough to fix the problems.
The exploit was introduced into the aged MMORPG on November 15th, allowing players to duplicate platinum. The exploit allowed this to happen through a bug while players crafted using the trade skill depot feature, and while the team has since issued a hotfix, players are still saying it didn't go far enough to address the issue.
The official EverQuest forums are up in arms over the devaluing of platinum, especially on Timelocked Progression servers, which has seen its economy effectively in ruins as a result. Rusty, who sent us this tip, sent along a video (embedded below) which shows the state of the economy in real-time, which we've embedded below.
Part of the issue is also the value of Krono, an in-game item that can be bought and sold that gives game time (like EVE Online's PLEX, for example), has gone through the roof.
While the servers have been hit with an avalanche of duplicate materials as a result of this bug, the team at Darkpaw did tangentially address it by locking down the exploit, but given that it took almost a week to do so, much of the damage had already been done. The muted response from the developer addressing the damage to crafters, the economy on the affected servers, and even the sale of Krono - which is cross-game, so it can be used for EverQuest 2 (our tipster claims that this has also affected that MMO's economy, with Krono prices there being inflated as a result) - hasn't sat well with players overall as well. Some players are asking for a rollback of the servers, while forum post from Wednesday is full of community suggestions as to how to address the issues left by the dupe.
Given that it's a holiday weekend here in the States, a response might not come until after the weekend, though we have reached out to Daybreak for comment and will update this story if they provide one.
[Update 5:30pm PT 11/24] - Darkpaw Games has addressed the issue on the forums, addressing the lack of communication, as well as steps that the team is taking to fix the issue.
On the forums, Darkpaw apologized for the lack of communication, stating that while they worked to fix the issue in EverQuest "with the urgency and gravity that the situation demanded," they do note that they will share information when they are sure it "can be shared without causing further damage."
They are looking at the data itself, seeing what other actions need to be taken. They also caution against even discussing exploits as it can help them spread, instead asking that they be reported directly when they are found.
"Our next step will be to continue meticulously reviewing all the data available to us, which may lead to further actions being taken to ensure the integrity of the game. Our commitment is to focus our resources on identifying and resolving issues, and as such, we would like to remind everyone that spreading false information or engaging in cheating not only undermines the game's integrity but also diverts our attention away from constructive problem-solving. Discussing exploits in public forums can inadvertently assist others in misusing these vulnerabilities and complicates our efforts in effectively addressing these issues. Instead, we ask that any exploits be reported directly to us through the appropriate channels."
Ta, Rusty.