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Ubisoft Delays Skull & Bones to April 2020

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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For a game that was supposed to be released prior to the end of 2018, it sure seems that Skull & Bones is taking a long time in development. It's so delayed, in fact, that Ubisoft announced that it will not be seen until "financial year 2019/2020" which means April 2020 at the earliest. In addition, Ubisoft also announced that the game will be skipping this year's E3. These announcements were made during the Q&A session in Ubisoft's investor call earlier today.

Skull & Bones first came to the attention of the world at E3 2017 complete with a cinematic trailer and a demo that had a lot of naval combat fans pretty stoked. The game is in development by Ubisoft Singapore and there is a Skull & Bones television show that is also in the works. It's unknown if it will be delayed as well.

Via Gamespot


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom