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Two EverQuest Guilds Ramp Up Anniversary Fight with Ice-T Talkin' Smack

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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UPDATED: A paid "retraction", also featuring Ice-T

Faceless and Amtrak, rival EverQuest guilds, have 20th anniversary plans on one of the special TLP (time-locked progression) servers. The two will be duking it out head-to-head in an epic battle of dominance. Faceless, however, has ramped up the pre-game smack talk with a new video from none other than Ice-T. It's a profanity-laden bundle of bad-mouthing that is sure to raise the blood pressure of each and every Amtrak member on the planet. It's 20th Anniversary Gold!

"Faceless is going to own you. They're going to drag you." he says. "People who play video games...they don't have much time to read books. After they beat you mother f***s, they'll have a lot of time to read some books. Faceless going in. You've been warned."

The battle of the two guilds is currently scheduled for March 16th.

We won't embed the video here, but if you're up for a minute's worth of Ice-T's angry face, then head here to check it out before heading to the EverQuest forum to check the giddy reactions of fans.

Thanks to our anonymous tipster! 


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom