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Transmog Recipes Should Once Again Work in Crowfall

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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The latest Live patch for Crowfall has been pushed and brings with it a fix for transmog recipes.

In short, your transmog recipes should now work properly again. If you were experiencing an issue with this, be sure to update your game to receive this fix and get back to it. The patch also touches on tweaks to Powers for the Confessor, Druid, Frostweaver, and Ranger.

The Confessor’s Blink of Faith barrier won’t provide visual indications anymore if it’s sticking to other barriers. Druid’s electrogenesis orbs will now show up in front of the caster where the proc happened. Frostweaver’s Refreshing Breeze will create a rectangle ground effect for any areas it hits. And the Ranger’s dual wield basic attacks won’t have misplaced effects.

The patch also contains some tweaks for Disciplines as well, such as Standard Bearer barriers no longer preventing fall damage. You can check out the full patch notes here.