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Tower of Fantasy Introduces Nemesis Voidpiercer, the Next Simulacrum, With Some Famiiar Origins

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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Tower of Fantasy is previewing the next new simulacrum coming in the January 21st update, Forging a New World - Nemesis Voidpiercer. There’s a new trailer, some lore details, and more teasing what we can expect.

If you have been following the various storylines in ToF, there are a few threads that led us to Voidpiercer. The new trailer caption says, “Through the Authorizer and Shirli's adventures, Voidpiercer kept learning and growing, to understand more about the world. Therefore, she wants to be part of their world, more than anything, to share in their adventures and joy.” These details help make some of the first  update teaser make more sense now. 

Her weapon is Star of Oblivion, which has an Altered elemental type. Voidpiercer is a DPS, and we’ll learn more about her kit soon. 

Of course, if you haven't been following all of the story lines the new trailer might be a little confusing, but there is some new lore info to build up what looks like something consequential. Shirli is where things started, and Nemesis and the Gesthos Network are relevant parts of how we got to this point. 

Voidpiercer  is essentially the results of the Network's evolution into self-awareness, with its core code leading to Nemesis, “Angel of Clemency”, who began with the girl, Shirli. Voidpiercer is several layers of development deep, after acquiring traits of the Alteration Virus and getting a life of her own.. The Authorizer and Shirli are the only humans she trusts.

There's more to come about the update, and  from these teasers, there seems to be a turning point ahead.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.