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Torchlight 3 Hotfix on Switch Deploys Bug Fixes

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Following its release on Switch last Fall, Torchlight III has received a fix for quests, and other various bugs.

The hotfix released earlier contains several bug fixes which were implemented on various other platforms. They also address some player-reported issues. From a performance perspective, you can expect fewer server crashes moving forward.

UI saw a host of fixes and improvements as well. Quests saw a bulk of fixes which include:

  • Fixed the following quests that did not have enough items to complete on a specific Dungeon seed.
    • “Silky Threads”, “Operation Maple Dawn”, “Gob Bomb”, “Ichory Situation”, “Unpinned”, “Part Picking”, “Tablet Game”.
  • Reduced required count of Netherim Jawbone from 3 to 1 for the Nether Inkling quest.
  • Fixed "Tutorial: From a Humble Seed" getting stuck with no other objectives/tasks.
  • Removed "Clue" from quest item drops in "The Artifact" story quest. This was an optional quest item that is not needed to progress the story.

The patch also included a bunch of fixes and improvements for monsters, classes, skills, and items.