Tower of Fantasy’s next update is coming tomorrow, and the full details have been released, along with a new Nemesis Voidpiercer simulacrum showcase.
Downtime is set for tomorrow, 4-9am UCT (11pm-4am tonight ET), and once the update is live, get ready to explore some new places. Gesthos Smart City is the new Network’s World, and the new main story update, Reshape the Future, will be available. While the Calamity happened and could not have been prevented, the future is open, and there's a chance to save it and make things right.
New simulacrum Nemesis Voidpiercer and her weapon, Star of Oblivion will also arrive. She got a new showcase video, where you can take a look at her kit, skins, and more. Before you even watch the video, the caption is already revealing. “The Network World was created by Gesthos, and its personified individual, Voidpiercer, seems to reveal the fact that "the divine is arriving" in battle.” The showcase backs that up, with some of her powerful attacks. Also, the names are Nemesis Voidpiercer and Star of Oblivion. Those names are nothing if not very deliberate.
The update also sets up new Frontier Clash, Sequential Phantasm, and Void Abyss seasons. Sequential Phantasm: Boundless Realm also expands with new levels. New challenges also await with the brand new world, All-Seeing Eye and a new level 100 boss in Evolution Vanguard, the Minotaur. Additional features are also coming, including eyeshadow in character customization, a new system guide to survival guide, and altered weapon optimizations.
Tomorrow's update will also start a bunch of new events and activities, including Forging a New World, Gala of Fantasy, which features some limited-time minigames and login rewards, Supply un, and the Spring Festival Cache coming this week. They list a few potential free character options too. There are more details and more events all laid out in the update notes.