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Today's ArcheAge Unchained Maintenance Fixes 'Socially Distant' and 'Quarantined' Titles

Socially relevant

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Maintenance took place for ArcheAge and ArcheAge Unchained earlier this morning for both NA and EU.

The patch, among other things, fixed the perhaps more-relevant-than-ever “Socially Distant,” "Quarantined", and "Ipnysh Sanctuary Warden" titles so they now display correctly. Other items which were fixed include incorrect pepper and vanilla seed bundle designs to display correctly.

Some other fixes for this maintenance includes:

  • Fixed the description of the Immortal Warden Awakening Scrolls to state it only works on Radiant Disciple Equipment.
  • Fixed the description of the Mistsong Banquet Reward Crate Rank 6 to state that all drops are guaranteed.
  • A potential fix to alleviate lag in Auroria during Vyrava spawns
  • Items from the Ipnysh Sanctuary are no longer sellable on the Auction House.

You can check out the full maintenance notes on the official forums here. In recent news, the team extended the “Refer a Friend” program through the end of August. Referring your friend will net you rewards, in addition to your friend receiving these following rewards:

  • Elixir of Friendship x10
  • Dried Batwing Headband
  • Black Shiba Inu pet
  • Astral Weapon Crate
  • Fusion Alembic x5
  • Extraction Alembic x5
  • “Thick as Thieves” Title
  • “Symbol of Friendship” Icon
  • Icon Swap Certificate