The Smugglers have set up their network and changed the Outlands now that Albion Online’s Rogue Frontier update is live.
For solo and “small-scale” players, the update opens up Smuggler's Dens. This means you can run around solo and still have a base. If you use the dens, you also have access to the Smuggler’s Network which is a new market system that is operating in a connected way in the Outlands. Pricing is somewhat dynamic since it depends on how far away you are from the den, out of 35 in the update, where the item you want is available. Sometimes the options and convenience will beat heading to the Royal Continent. Other times, the prices might be enough of a motivator to risk travel.
The update also adds new Smuggler activities that come with themed rewards.Things like freeing smugglers held by the Royal Guards, or recovering crates from ambushed Smuggler’s wagons. Smuggler’s Coins are also to be found hidden in caches and coffers. All of these could get you rewards and Status within the ranks of the smugglers.
Aside from all this Smuggler business, the update adds three new Crystal Weapons, introduces a bank overview and UI improvements, and introduces PvP Kill Trophies. If you spend your time taking down other players, now you have a way of showing off your victories. These trophies are furniture items and anytime you kill another player, they have a chance to drop. If they drop, the look of each trophy will be different depending on where you slew your fellow player. You can display them in the open world (as a warning, probably) or on islands.
Creatures is the new Albion Journal category. Finally, you can log a bestiary as you adventure and earn some loot for doing so.
Rogue Frontier continues the team’s improvements in the Outlands, to encourage more participation and also offer more ways to participate for all kinds of players. The full update notes run down all of the new additions, including balance and QoL changes.