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The Elder Scrolls Online's Fallen Banners DLC Will Be Available for Crowns, Matt Firor Explains Network Attacks

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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A new update from Matt Firor clears up details around The Elder Scrolls Online’s Fallen Banners DLC release and updates on server stability, revealing a series of outside attacks, including DDoS, have happened periodically.

When Update 45 and the new dungeon DLC, Fallen Banners, go live, one of the announcements made in the preview last week was that the DLC would be accessible through an ESO Plus membership at launch. It seemed logical that there would be a release through other means eventually, and that is what we will be getting. 

“For now, please know that you will be able to purchase the Update 45 dungeons using Crowns (plus other ways) as well as access through ESO Plus membership. Due to the aforementioned transition, Update 45 dungeons will be available for purchase in the Crown Store after Update 45 console launch.”

Firor explained that since the team is shifting to their new seasonal content and ending annual Chapter releases, and because of that, this is a transition year. There are some things they’re still working out and a few things will feel like a blend between the old way and the new way at first. The new model is expected to be fully implemented next year, and we will learn more in the global reveal announcement scheduled for April.

Recent reports about lag and disconnects have been bubbling up. The Elder Scrolls Online has had a number of issues especially over the past few years, with server stability and even a recent long outage when a server failed. There has been something else going on too: a series of periodic DDoS attacks and other attempted attacks. 

“Recently - especially over the last year - we have had a rising number of malicious network attacks against the ESO service. These mostly fall under the DDOS type of attack,” he says. “We have different types of mitigation to combat this, and some do a great job of protecting the service from DDOS traffic, but they can also introduce additional ping times when they are active, like many of you have been reporting.”

This is the first time they have mentioned the recent series of attacks because,  he mentions that when you talk about them, sometimes people take it as an invitation. DDoS attacks are not uncommon with any online service (and Final Fantasy XIV is another notable game that has seen many), but in most of these cases, it seems the companies are working to stay on top of things, even if the result is some added lag.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.