The Elder Scrolls Online team previewed one of the two dungeons set in the upcoming Flames of Ambition DLC, which is the first part of this year's grand story, The Gates of Oblivion. This time, the team turned its gaze towards the "long-abandoned mansion," Black Drake Villa.
Players will quest alongside Eveli Sharp-Arrow to recover an ancient tome from the depths of the run-down villa. Along the way, ESO players will have to overcome monsters and other threats as they race to the heart of the villa to recover the tome and discover the threat at the root of the fire set therein, called the True-Sworn.
Black Drake Villa is set in the Gold Coast, bringing players back to an older Cyrodiil zone added a few years back. Mike Finnigan, ESO's Encounters Lead describes the story for the new dungeon in the post as something players will be uncovering even leading into the upcoming Blackwood Chapter, ESO's version of expansions, in June.
“You see very early that the library is on fire, so finding out who the True-Sworn are and why they’re there is part of the fun of the dungeon,” says Finnigan. “In fact, some of the mysteries of Black Drake Villa may not fully be revealed until the upcoming Blackwood Prologue or even the Chapter itself.”
The post goes on to describe some of the threats players will face, including Minotaurs, goblins, salamnders, and a boss who I think is doing his best cosplay of ESO's version of Mortal Kombat's Kung Lao (pictured above). Make sure to check out the full post for all the deails on the Elder Scrolls Online website.