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The Elder Scrolls Online Is Going Back To Morrowind In Necrom, Coming June 5th

Joseph Bradford Posted:
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In today's Elder Scrolls Online reveal event, ZeniMax Online Studios officially announced Necrom, the next major Chapter update for the MMORPG which will release on June 5th.

During today's Stream, ZeniMax Online announced the next year-long storyline, Shadow over Morrowind. This new story will bring players back to one of the most iconic regions in the Elder Scrolls history while bringing two new zones in Eastern Morrowind not seen since 1994's Arena. Additionally, new companions will be added to the mix, as players can jump into the more than 30 hours of content brought with Necrom.

The upcoming expansion centers on cosmic horror thanks to it centering on Hermaus Mora, last seen in the Skyrim Dragonborn DLC. The new class will be explored with the story, as all of Nirn is put in danger by Mora's threat.

Necrom takes place in the Telvanni Peninsula, centering in on the wild mausoleum city of Necrom, where the Dunmer bury their dead. Apocrypha is coming back as well as the home of Hermaus Mora for players to explore. The Tellvani Peninsula is in an Elder Scrolls game for the first time since Arena in 1994. 

Most excitingly for many is likely the announcement that Necrom will also herald a much-requested update to ESO: a new class: The Arcanist, which will launch with June's chapter. ESO's latest class uses magic and skills not seen before. This marks the first time the MMO has added a new class since the Necromancer in the Elswyer expansion.

The Arcanist is a "new way to play" ESO. It channels the power of Apocrypha with runic magic, healing, and more. While there is something for all playstyles themselves, there are three ability lines with unique skills, such as Apocrypha Gate, which lets you teleport around a battlefield. Arcanist will also have a combo point system, where you can build up points to spend to power up attacks. 

Shadow over Morrowind will kick off in March, though, as part of the year-long storyline by ZeniMax. Scribes of Fate, the first DLC this year, kicks off the story on March 13th for PC, March 28th on consoles. Scribes of Fate kicks off the story in Morrowind with two PvE story dungeons, such as dealing with the acolytes of Scribes of Mora, or fight against the temporal magic of Bal Sunnar. 

The Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom will be launching on June 5th for PC, and June 20th on consoles, bringing the next wave of new regions to explore as well as the new class with it. Last year, ZeniMax announced that it was changing up how it handles its year-long release cadence, including ensuring its updates that do release are as stable as possible. It also announced that instead of a Q4 story DLC, players will see a new in-game system.


Joseph Bradford

Joseph has been writing or podcasting about games in some form since about 2012. Having written for multiple major outlets such as IGN, Playboy, and more, Joseph started writing for MMORPG in 2015. When he's not writing or talking about games, you can typically find him hanging out with his 15-year old or playing Magic: The Gathering with his family. Also, don't get him started on why Balrogs *don't* have wings. You can find him on Twitter @LotrLore