The Elder Scrolls Online has a new lore feature in its Meet the Character series, and this one is all about dapper Khajiit private investigator Mizzik Thunderboots.
Done in the style of a letter, as most of the ESO lore blogs are, addressed to the Esteemed and Powerful Splendid-Paws, the blog discusses Mizzik and offers an assessment of his character from the point of view of an observer allied with Splendid-Paws and the family business currently being run by Silver-Fur, Splendid-Paws’ sister, while the former is in the city dungeon. Already, things are set up like a 1940s noir film in the first two paragraphs.
The observer’s impressions aren’t that flattering. Yet, “He has had some small amount of success, but not from any real talent that this one could discern. If anything, this gaudy popinjay demonstrates a level of patience that borders on cowardice and is the least action-oriented Khajiit this one has ever laid eyes on. And he has an unquenchable thirst for gold, as evidenced by the exorbitant prices he charges for his so-called services. Are you certain that he is investigating you? I found no sign that any of your usual enemies had hired or even spoken to this Thunderboots.”
Perhaps alluding to the fact that you can go and talk to Mizzik Thunderboots in the city of Riverhold in Northern Elsweyr or, this month, earn him as a houseguest via daily login rewards, there is one way Thunderboots tastes success–with the help of a hero.
“Yes, that one. The one who loves to stick their tail into everyone’s business. Who travels the width and breadth of Tamriel and seems to always be in the right place at the right time.”
Is Thunderboots looking into Splendid-Paws’ business dealings? Is he any good? Well, head over to The Elder Scrolls Online for the lore blog and meet your next potential houseguest.