Tomorrow, Guild Wars 2 gets its fourth and final beta for End of Dragons. This beta event will start Tuesday and run through Saturday, December 4th with all nine elite specializations featured and the brand new siege turtle mount.
In case you missed anything (or hadn’t played in some of the previous betas), ArenaNet has released a video showcasing all nine elite specializations. All players will have access tomorrow, with beta testing slots for fully leveled and geared up characters to test the new specializations ready to go.
Last week, the team provided an extensive update based on feedback they received from the prior beta events, so even if you have tried out any of the elite specializations before, this beta may look a whole lot different. The list of changes is long and built upon both direct feedback and beta data, so expect things to feel (and sometimes even look) different.
Given that this is the final beta event before End of Dragons arrives in February, it’s a significant one with regards to changes already made and to see just how it all comes together before the team puts the finishing touches on what’s to come.
Even if you have tried all nine elite specializations before, there’s still the matter of the giant turtle in the room. The new siege turtle mount, a huge combat mount complete with a companion seat and jump jets, means taking this one for a ride should be a must for the event. Everything about this beta event says go big, so if you’re a Guild Wars 2 player waiting for End of Dragons to open up new lands, more progress, and expanded classes, then here’s your last chance to help shape the final release.
For more on the changes, or the event itself, see the Guild Wars 2 site.