In an update to the community on Steam, Temtem developer Crema details their current development state, and lets the players know that while the Roadmap for Temtem is out of date, everything is still coming to the game – eventually.
Crema apologized to the fans of the game that expected the Roadmap to be on target. The team states they originally understood that the Roadmap wasn’t set in stone, but they didn’t realize how drastic their development plans would change over the course of 2020:
“We made the current roadmap right after our Early Access launch in February of last year—before we knew the sort of year 2020 was going to be—and while we've always stressed the fact that the roadmap was not set-in stone, it certainly doesn't match reality anymore. We've had to twist and change our plans quite a few times since the EA launch, sometimes because of good stuff, other times not so much. I'm sure you've all seen this happen a lot this year, and we understand this is disappointing for everyone (including us!). We're sorry.”
- Crema, Temtem Development Team
Despite the setbacks, Crema believes they will still deliver everything that was originally slated for the original Roadmap as well as any additional content updates required along the way to “keep things fresh”. When it comes to the topic of another, updated Roadmap, Crema has decided that it wouldn’t justice to the players, or the developers’ vision for the game, and that the closed delivery dates of content would put too much pressure on the team to get out content on schedule and not when it was ready.
With that said, Crema did release a loose target date on Cipanku, a new island, which they believe should be available by the end of March or the beginning of April. The original Roadmap Part 1 and Part 2 was released back in February of 2020, and placed Cipanku Island's release at around the Fall.