Recently, Crema announced that Temtem would be holding its first major competitive series, and now the Temtem Championship Series (TemCS) is here. The creature collection game gets its first official competitive global tournament.
Those who decide to enter will face competitors around the world for a $60,000 us prize pool. they'll be able to use the Temtem Showdown team builder, which was recently added, and let's you create a competitive team without having to grind. So if you're looking to compete, this will let you put your teams together faster and get to the strategy.
Each region will have its own separate competition and regional tournaments. Eligible regions are the Americas (AMER), Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA), and Asia & Oceania (PCFC). Throughout the year, there will be inter-regional tournaments at intervals, set up through the regional tournaments, with an eventual series ending in the Temtem World Championship this September.
Tournaments will work in two stages, and matches will be determined by the best of 3 format. For tournaments, the two stages will be:
- A Swiss stage, where all players compete to qualify for the next stage.
- A double elimination bracket, where only the top players from the Swiss stage face off to win the tournament.
Things kick off this weekend with the first regional open taking place for the Americas. On January 21st and 22nd, Competition will open and all players will not only be competing for a monetary prize pool, but Crema will also be awarding in-game prizes, including currencies, Novas, and Feathers, throughout the stages. These will depend on individual ratings at the end of each tournament.
A game like Temtem is ripe for competition, of course, and there’s PvP if you just want to battle it out with your Tems in general, but this first competitive series will take things to another level.