Star Wars: The Old Republic update 7.51, “Desperate Defiance” is on the way, And the team revealed all of the major details in a new stream.
Expect Galactic Seasons 7: The Greatest Bounty, featuring Dark vs Light world bosses and the return of DvL currency and vendors. The Bounty Contract Event will last throughout GS 7 and the bosses featured will also be added to the weekly objectives. Rewards include new titles, Brynjakand Superior Hunter armor sets, mounts, themed weapons, and the white Loth-cat kitten pet.
The next round of Date Night missions are coming, this time with Vette and Aric Jorgan getting new missions. These will be available for Sith Warriors and Troopers who have active romances post Knights of the Fallen Empire. For these missions, the rewards include a title, achievement, and a new decoration. The team plans more of these in the future so they'll continue rolling out.
Update 7.51 will also feature a series of gearing adjustments. The team discussed these but there is a dev post detailing all of the adjustments that are intended to increase player choice in rewards and also offer more progression opportunities. Some mission rewards will have more choices, or you can choose between an upgrade cache or additional currency. Broadsword will also raise the caps on weekly missions, remove the rotating operations, and put higher currency caps in place to help people progress at their own rate.
In addition to all this, there will be new items coming to purchase in the Cartel Market, including the Burning Embers and Lotus Blade lightsaber/dualsaber, Imperial Commando armor, weapon tunings, and more.
SWTOR players can also unlock a new stronghold decoration, a poster of Sa’har Kateen, by using the code LostPadawan. They've also announced that when the update goes live, there will be a new mount, the Orlean Voidstream Mount available via Twitch Drops.