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SWG: Legends Bespin Expansion Launches Today

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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May the Fourth be with you because tomorrow will be the Revenge of the Fifth (sorry, not sorry.) Brian-puns aside, yes, today is May the fourth. This means the long-awaited Bespin expansion for SWG Legends is due to release today.

In case you missed it, we previously reported on this Bespin expansion. The trailer below features the iconic skyline along with the streets of Bespin. During your time in the expansion, you can expect to encounter Lando Calrissian. Han and Chewie are also slated to appear in SWG Legends’ latest expansion.

According to the trailer’s description,

“SWG:Legends is proud to present Bespin: The City in the Clouds. Embark on an all new journey that takes you to some of the most iconic locations throughout Cloud City where you will encounter familiar faces, new enemies, new quests, and much more in this brand new unofficial expansion to the Star Wars Galaxies universe found exclusively on Legends."

This release of the Bespin expansion follows a delay which originally saw the content slated to release earlier this year. Over on Twitter, the team encouraged fans to stay connected during the launch day festivities,


Please stay connected with us through our social media platforms! We'll be following the excitement all day leading up to release!  You can find all of our social media links right here: https://swglegends.com/forums/showthread.php?57848-Staying-Connected!-(SWG-Legends-on-Social-Media…)

#SWGLegends #StarWarsGalaxies #CityInTheClouds”

Do you plan to check out Bespin? What are you most excited about in the new expansion? Sound off with your comments below.