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Stunlock Studios Details Some of the Huge Content Update Coming to V Rising in 2023

Christina Gonzalez Posted:
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After a wildly successful launch into Early Access, the V Rising team returned with some Halloween goodies and a promise that the first major content update would be coming in 2023. Stunlock Studios’ latest dev blog is all about what they’ve been working on for the major free expansion to come.

We shouldn’t expect the content for a while though. Plans to expand on the content will require multiple major reworks. The team is sharing with probable hopes that the community will have some patience in mind waiting for these features.

One feature to expect is more flexibility in castles, including multiple floors and to be able to space castles out better. Technical limitations have been behind limits to castle height and structure, but Stunlock is successfully testing the work on this feature.

Expect Vardoran to grow. They’re looking to expand upon existing areas, adding some new enemy types, and things like visual upgrades and greater terrain variations. There are also some other surprises to come. As the team notes, “There’s plenty of room to keep iterating to make them better and more interesting in ways that are both cosmetic and tied to gameplay. On your journey to the new biome, you will also stumble into a couple of newly arrived and highly dangerous V Blood bosses in existing areas”.

Another function they're hoping to add is a Marketplace so that players can acquire items at trading stations in settled areas. Opens up the possibility of new items in the game, and more trading possibilities to come.

They're also working on a system with the codename Jewels, which is intended to improve gameplay depth and combat. If you find or craft these Jewels you'll be able to unlock perks for spells. The team is also planning on expanding a dynamic spell system that includes more variety, combos, and even an all-spell school.

The team is also clear that the game is big and is home to a lot of different systems so they're going big on reworking and improving a whole lot of areas of the game, including listening to community feedback.

It's going to be a huge update, one that with all the reworks included, will require being played on a completely fresh world.

You can read the full devblog, with a ton of new info, over at V Rising. 


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.