If you are looking to get a taste of the state of Fractured Online, this weekend you have a chance to do that. Dynamight Studios has decided to hold an alpha weekend, beginning this Friday.
The team recently pushed an update to its backend engine and are trying to assess how it will work to push that engine to its limits and get data from play tests. This is done to see how the servers are doing and how the engine works but also to begin the preparation for the upcoming launch of the backers-only testing phase of the game.
Other aspects that have been changed and will feature for this test include two new available hotkeys, auto run and toggle combat mode. The latter will prevent you from interacting with harvestable items in the world when you’re just looking for a fight and to make some progress. There’s a new general settings page with quality of life options. Combat improvements, which include things like attack animations now including an additional small cooldown before the next attack to thwart those who try to exploit animation canceling for some extra speed.
For those who take part in the alpha weekend, this test will be open to streaming and sharing. All players who and play at least two hours during the weekend we’ll get an in game title.
If you want to take part, there are a couple of ways. Everyone who purchased a Founder’s pack, was a Kickstarter supporter, or registered on the website before January 28th before midnight CET then you’ll be able to play.
This test will only run from this Friday at 4 PM CET through Sunday, February 6 at 10 PM CET. That is 10 AM Friday Eastern time through Sunday 4 PM Eastern time.
For full information see the alpha weekend announcement over at Fractured Online.