Star Wars: The Old Republic begins PvP season 5, “Pirate’s Plunder” today, and with today's update, bringing some romance, there's also a new set of season objectives and of course, rewards to get your hands on.
New sets of weekly objectives will become available at the weekly reset, with four for F2P and Preferred accounts and six for subscribers. Well everyone is limited to completing four objectives per week, subscribers get to pick and choose their best four. For completing progress on the reward track, you can start unlocking rewards like new armor sets, decorations, flags, titles, and more depending on how far you go.
Season 5's new rewards include a brand new Legacy title at level 6, Ruthless Warlord. You can also earn another new title, The Mutineer, at level 11. A new Pirate's Bounty flair can also be purchased from Tullek. Tullek gets refreshed stock with a number of new items, including lockboxes, that flair, and more. Giradda the Hutt also gets new updated stock, including past season PvP rewards from “Fortune and Fame”.Inventory will rotate and be available for one week and then cycle out for three weeks, with resets on Tuesdays.
New flags for red and blue are here. Additional decorations come in the form of large and small PvP trophies, and new displays, like Cunning Plunderer Armor Display and a PvP Battler decoration.
Earn two new armor sets on the PVP reward track or purchase two additional new sets from the PVP vendor. The new reward sets are Cunning Plunderer and Outlaw Battler, while you can buy the Plunderer’s Greed and Outlaw Warrior sets.
“Pirate’s Plunder” starts today and is set to run as a 12-week season. Find out full details on the possible rewards over at Star Wars: The Old Republic.