Star Wars: The Old Republic PvP Season 3, "Reign of Glory”, has begun, bringing some adjustments and changes to competition.
There are a number of changes, including new rewards and the points that players receive on several of the PvP maps and all Huttball. Point adjustments affect Voidstar, Novare Coast, and Yavin Ruins, in addition to all of the Huttball maps. Some of the adjustments are increases, and others are more for balance, informed by some nuances of competition.
For example, in Novare Coast, attackers that capture the objective will get 2,000 attacker points split as 1,000 for actively capturing and 1,000 for assisting in the capture overall. If you defeat a defending player near a bunker, you'll get 5,000 attacker points. The changes on the Huttball maps are uniform and include raised defender points.
Other changes include adjustments to some of the Arena objectives, with the team working to reduce some of the requirements to shorten the time needed to complete those and PvP Arena weekly missions. Effectively, these make completing these missions just a bit less grindy. Examples include the weekly PvP Arena mission “Go Berserk”, which now requires 16 Arena wins to complete, down from 24. There are similar changes across a number of other Arena objectives, with reductions to tighten things up.
When it comes to PVP and competition overall, having new rewards is certainly going to swing the deal a little bit. This season, you'll be able to earn yourself the PVP season 3 trophy in small or large, a new personal title - “Reign of (your name)” a new Legacy title, and the Sandstorm Soldier and Scorching Sands armor sets. There is even a Sandstorm Soldier armor display decoration.
You can see all of the exact changes over at Star Wars: The Old Republic.