SWG Legends is gearing up for its Bespin update next week, and the team behind the server talked a bit about what players should expect when venturing to Cloud City - especially as it pertains to player housing.
In a piece on the forums, the team is "interviewing" the administrator of Cloud City, Lando Calrissian, talking about Bespin and what to expect. The blog itself gives some insight into a much wanted feature: player housing.
Unfortunately for those hoping for apartments when Bespin hits on May 4th, you will be left waiting, as the SWG Legends team has confirmed it won't be a Day 1 feature.
Speaking as Calrissian, the team stated that they have been "in the ear of the foreman every day to see how close" the apartment suites were to being ready, but unfortunately there are still "space slugs and other bugs" to deal with before they are ready.
"Oh yeah, I've definitely been made aware of how eager people are to live in the clouds, and I can't say I blame them! I can tell you here right now though, apartments will NOT be a day 1 feature. I've been in the ear of the foreman every day to see how close we are to having our suites ready, but we're still fumigating the place of space slugs and other bugs before we can safely hand out key cards to future residents. Don't worry though, I'll make sure we have something in writing soon on the apartments."
The SWG Legends team also hinted that player housing is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what is in store for players as they venture into Bespin, stating that "there's still a lot of growing room for Bespin." You should definitely check out the blog post on the forums - the in-universe interview is an interesting way to talk about the upcoming content in your expansion, so it'll be interesting to see if the SWG Legends team does this for future expansions.