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Star Wars Galaxies: Legends Blog Update Explores the Role of the Game's Design Team

Casey Bell Posted:
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The Star Wars Galaxies: Legends team recently published a Friday Feature exploring the role of the Star Wars Galaxies private server’s design team on the project.

While Legends is a private server, it doesn’t simply preserve the game as it was before Star Wars Galaxies shut down. The Legends design team is tasked with adding all manner of new content to the game, including new art assets, NPCs, armor, clothing, new quests, and NPC conversations, and more.

On the art side of things, the design team works with software such as Maya and Blender (the latter made possible with a custom Blender plugin made for SWG). Models made for Legends are all made bespoke by the development team by hand, too.

On the game design front, the team not only builds out new content, such as Bespin, but also looks to revamp existing content to better fit modern standards. One example given was how design team member Tadpo has been looking for ways to modernize the Vendor experience for players.

The Legends team is also looking for new contributors, particularly when it comes to those proficient at creating art assets. Those looking to pitch in should contact Rees on the Legends development team to inquire further.