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Star Trek Online Brings Back Its In-Game Museum To Celebrate Star Trek Day

Ryan Easby Posted:
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Star Trek Online is celebrating Star Trek Day, the anniversary of the first broadcast of the original Star Trek series with the return of its Starfleet Museum. 

To celebrate the occasion, for fifteen days (September 5th until September 20th) a Starfleet Museum is above Deep Space Nine that contains ships from every single Star Trek movie and show, and even some from other multimedia efforts for the franchise. Hailing these ships causes them to offer up facts about both the in-universe ships and the behind-the-scenes on the shows themselves. 

By hailing all ten ships, players will unlock a new title in the game, ‘Historical Documents Expert,’ and will learn more about their favorite franchise than they ever thought possible. We loved the museum the last time around, so we can only imagine this years will be just as insightful to Star Trek fans.

Earlier this year, in July, the game saw the release of a Heritage Starship Bundle, which added ships from Star Trek games past to the title. Ships from Star Trek: Invasion, Star Trek: Armada and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Dominion Wars were added to the game, while two science vessels from the MMORPG, The Aurora and Quasar, were ‘remastered’ to fit the current time period and settings of the space-faring title.