May in Star Citizen came with some announcements, like the fact that CitizenCon would not be an in-person event this year. Yep there was much happening with the game developmentwise.
We've been seeing updates and improvements that have significantly changed the game in the past year. In May on the AI side, the animation team created 40 new overlays that include knuckle cracking and stretching.The team also began using some new tech advancements -
“which allows groups of AI to spontaneously begin conversations. The aim is to have this implemented across a variety of usables. Three use-cases have been created so far: the four-person mess-hall table, the idle spot, and the arcade machine”. They’re certainly looking to add to the sense of immersion and realism with even these casual additions.
When it comes to AI on the tech side, there has been work on ship functionality including improvements to quantum travel. They also built upon work to help create more intelligent combat, including friendly-fire validation, factions being able to be assigned different behaviors, and additional technical advancements like building up areas where NPCs will stay and patrol.
Just like the previous AI changes, there is a dose of immersion and realism here too. The friendly-fire validation and faction behaviors include making sure that those NPCs deemed “bad guys” will only tend to members of their own faction and “good guys” will have to try and avoid hitting civilians and help more.
There have been several community events in May, extended work on the engine, and a whole lot more. The vehicle team worked on Alpha 3.17 and the recent Invictus Launch Week, which coincided with another free fly.
There’s a whole lot of work documented in the May recap, much of it is still invisible in the game, but still vital in terms of shaping the player experience.
Read the full May recap over at Star Citizen.