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Star Citizen Team Shares Squadron 42 Update, Roadmap, More

Plus what's been done in SQ42

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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The team behind Star Citizen have shared details on Squadron 42 progress and touch on the roadmap.

The latest Calling All Devs gave us an update on the actual development team behind Squadron 42. Now, Brian Chambers will be the VP of Development. Erin Chambers, meanwhile, will shift over to work on the persistent universe portion. The video quickly discussed the lack of roadmap updates, citing the format of the roadmap. The team here does want to improve how they communicate the roadmap.

They believe the existing roadmap does work for the open world piece, but it falls short with respect to information when it comes to Squadron 42. This notion of not being informative was also discussed in the recent Roadmap Roundup from March 13.

In terms of game progress, it looks like there has been a lot of work on the actual production of the mocap scenes for a playable female character, AI, and overall design. You can check out the full video discussing these details in length below: