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Star Citizen Shares Weekly Schedule

Busy week ahead

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Cloud Imperium has shared what’s new for Star Citizen this week.

But first, the team recapped the upcoming Alpha 3.9,

“And as you’ve probably heard by now, we started testing the upcoming Alpha 3.9 patch release with our Evocati Test Flight group. This small group of technically minded testers is currently hammering away at early versions of the build and reporting bugs and feedback so we can open up access to more and more players.”

On Tuesday (today), the Narrative Team is set to present Part 3 of the Serialized Fiction: Instrument of Surrender. Wednesday will have the winners of the recent St. Patrick’s Day limerick contest announced. Additionally, we’ll receive a monthly infographic looking at the missions played throughout the game.

Thursday will be the last episode of Inside Star Citizen before the three week break where the team will look at weapon attachment UI and New Babbage – the new microTech landing zone.

Friday will bring us the roadmap update as per usual.