Dark or Light

Star Citizen Roadmap Roundup Looks at Thruster Efficiency Curves and Ship HUD

Ship flight behavior and more

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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The latest roadmap roundup for Star Citizen takes a look at thruster efficiency and a rework of the ship HUD.

Thurster efficiency has now been added to the PU roadmap in the Alpha 3.10 column. If you recall, Alpha 4.0 and Alpha 4.1 were renamed Alpha 3.10 and 3.11, respectively. These efficiency curves will, “drastically change the way thrusters work in atmospheres.”

The work involves an update to ship aerodynamics to ultimately make the flying behavior more realistic and believable, especially when in atmosphere. The second roadmap update involves a rework of the ship HUD.

Specifically, the team notes that the description of this item was changed to more accurately reflect the work currently being done to accomplish it. Notably, the team says to expect some HUD reworking in upcoming patches. As for this specific card,

“Rebuilding our ship HUDs to use the new building blocks UI system ahead of further redesigning the look of the UI. We will also take the time to improve some of the functionality of ship HUD.”


Poorna Shankar