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Star Citizen Outlines St. Patrick's Day Limerick Contest

There once was a fella named Jack

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Star Citizen is getting on the St. Patrick’s Day fun with a limerick contest.

The goal is to write a limerick which describes your luckiest moment in Star Citizen. According to the community post, their intern came up with this,

There once was a fella called Jack,He needed a ship to attack,Punching over its weight,And store many a crate,He discovered the Drake Cutlass Black!

The top three limericks will receive the following awards, and be sure to submit your limericks to this thread for consideration by the judges:

1st place: Standalone RSI Constellation Phoenix Emerald in-game ship with LTI (in-game lifetime insurance)

2nd place: Standalone Kruger Archimedes Jade in-game ship with LTI (in-game lifetime insurance)

3rd place: Standalone RSI Ursa Fortuna Rover in-game vehicle with LTI (in-game lifetime insurance)

Note that you can only submit one limerick per participant. This limerick must be original and conform to the limerick rhyme standard. Any non-limericks won’t be accepted. Any submitted limerick must have, “Luckiest Star Citizen Gaming Moment" as the subject. And it goes without saying, no offensive content.

Be sure to read the contest rules. And the contest ends on March 22 at 11:59p PDT.