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Star Citizen Bans Over 600 Accounts For Using Currency Exploit

Sam Plaisance Posted:
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There was a bit of duping going on in Star Citizen that allowed players to gain massive amounts of in-game currency, but those who utilized this exploit are being banned left, right, and center. 

Over 600 accounts have already been banned from Star Citizen after this credit duping exploit was discovered by the developers. The dupe was apparently discovered after the Alpha patch 3.23.1 went live, and those who felt like they hit the jackpot have now lost it all in the blink of an eye. There are not very many specifics on the exploit, but allegedly some went as far as to use this exploit and sell off the credits for real-life currency, adding even more insult to injury. 

The only details released by the developers simply state:

“We've completed an investigation into multiple exploits within Star Citizen that compromised stability and negatively impacted the in-game economy. As a result, we have resolved multiple aUEC exploits in 3.23.1a, and we've identified and suspended over 600 accounts involved in exploitative behaviors while also removing the illicitly gained aUEC from the Star Citizen ecosystem.”

This does not go into any specifics, but this does give insight into the sheer amount of currency that was being duplicated. CIG does mention that finding a bug and reporting it immediately is not the same as finding a bug and using it for personal gain, and that form of behavior won’t be tolerated in Star Citizen whatsoever.