With how well received the Final Fantasy VII remake has been so far, it’s no surprise that Square Enix has been receiving feedback from fans asking for Final Fantasy VI, one of the most beloved entries in the series, to receive the same treatment.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t appear to be too, likely. Square Enix’s Yoshinori Kitase recently made comments during an interview with YouTuber Julien Chièze that such an undertaking would take around 20 years to develop for a game as large as Final Fantasy VI. This is in large part due to the game’s much larger cast of 14 playable characters.
This isn’t the first time this topic has come up. In fact, Kitase himself has been pushing for a Final Fantasy VI remake internally at Square Enix, but it doesn’t sound like those conversations are going very well if we’re going by his recent comments on the matter.
All I know is if Square Enix does decide to remake FFVI, they'd better get started soon if this writer is going to have any chance at being lucid enough to play it.
Either way, the release of the second installment in the FFVII remake project, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, arrives on the PlayStation 5 in just a few short weeks on February 29.