Elder Scrolls Online dataminers have been busy working away to uncover possible upcoming DLC for the game. There is a brief, non-spoiler post on the Elder Scrolls Online forum that points out links to several posts on an outside side. Thanks to Octagon7711, we know this exists. So if you're not bothered by possible ESO game spoilers, you'll definitely want to hop through the jump to see what may be coming as 2018 wears on.
UESP has ferreted out several things from the recently released Dragon Bones DLC:
- datamined assets seem to indicate that ESO players will be heading to the Summerset Isle, something that has been mentioned in the past and was once planned to be a zone when ESO launched. Datamined assets show "a lush land, covered with farmlands, woodland parks, towering cliffs of granite and basalt.
- one of the creatures players will encounter is called the Sload, a creature that has been mentioned in the game, but never seen. According to the dataminers, the Sload hasn't been seen since Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard
If you want to read more about each of the big pieces of datamined information with attendant lore, head over to the Elder Scrolls Online forum or any of the links above to learn more.