The holidays are going to Hell, when Diablo 4 opens up Midwinter Blight tomorrow, December 12th. The Blightfiends are celebrating, so it’s your turn to join them, and clean things up by slaying as many as you can.
But first, you'll have to decorate the Midwinter Square in Kyovashad, because it’s not a celebration without the right decor. In order to get that decor you'll have to go and slay some of some foul creatures in Fractured Peaks.
Killing pale blue Blightfiends will get you Blighted Fragments, while defeating Frigid Husks will get you Lost Heirlooms. These are just some of the Midwinter Blight resources you’ll need but once you have enough, you can trade for Midwinter Proofs. This is the event currency you’ll need to use to exchange for a variety of new rewards. Walk away with a variety of rewards. These include mount and back trophies, weapon cosmetics, and the Shard of Dawn Offensive Legendary Aspect. Oh, and Gileon’s Brew, which they say “ is potent and delicious”.
The event starts at 10 AM PT tomorrow, running through January 2nd at 10 AM PT. Start making things festive in the Midwinter Square and also make efforts to destroy the Blightfiend’s celebration too. Punish enough of them and the local event might also get you a run in with the Red-Cloaked Horror.
Tis the season for holiday events far and wide, and while many might offer gifts and bright, friendly decor, Diablo IV will be Diablo IV. See the official announcement for more.