Soulframe’s latest devstream covered the most recent updates to Preludes (Wolf! Puppy!), and some of what's in the works in Preludes 9 and beyond.
After introducing Orengall, along with the wolf you get to raise (and pet), Preludes 8 is finally here for those with access. You get to rescue Oregall in the latest Fable, a quest called “The Shewolf Snared”. Once you do this, the Pact will serve you in some wolfy ways, letting you howl a blood song that will turn dogs against their masters, give you a stat buff, a bit of stealthiness, and even summon some feral pups to help you in battle. Preludes 8 also added a social hub, new features, and much to explore.
As for what is on the way, the team showed some concept art of a new environment, Neath’uns, a mysterious location that looks to be the next dungeon environment to come.
They also showed off concept art of some Ancestors. Atajan, the founder of the Order of the Gyres, and Pothia, who is also known as the Battle Mother. Pothia is one of the Primordial Envoys, aligned to the Courageous Virtue. There's a tiny lore dive here and we don't get much other than this detail and that a hint that as we play we will get to learn what their relationship is with humanity, and you, the Envoys, and with the rest of the races of the game that followed.
When your Envoy starts out, you'll be able to commit to one of three factions. Once you know which faction you're going to support, along the way during your progression journey, you'll encounter a procedural mini quest system that will tie into whatever faction you chose. It is a mini quest system since essentially it'll just give you some things to do that tie in, so you may find some of the usual errand type quests but there's more to be revealed about this as well.
The stream runs for over an hour so there's a lot more to check out and to listen to the team discuss their process, including preview of a wandering ancestor, how they want to make more Pacts available, and how we might see the maps expand going forward.
Soulframe Preludes 8 is available now, with more players getting invited each week.