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Sony To Host Another State of Play All About Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Sam Plaisance Updated: Posted:
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Yesterday was the first State of Play to broadcast in the year 2024, and though several interesting titles were announced for the platform, one seemed to be left out. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth did not make it into the first State of Play, but don’t panic, there is another one coming on Monday, February 6, at 3:30PM PT.

This next event will showcase Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and will solely focus on the upcoming title in the franchise. This is not the only time that Sony has hosted an event for one singular game in particular, and it isn’t shocking that a game of this size would be getting a livestream of its own. 

With that said, we aren’t quite sure what to expect from the livestream, as the tweet simply states,

“There's more State of Play on the way! Tune in next Tuesday, February 6 at 3:30pm PT / 11:30pm GMT for an extended look at Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.See you next week!”

Once can only assume at this point that Sony will show off exactly what players can expect after the launch on February 29, 2024.


Sam Plaisance