Dark or Light

Skyforge 'Boatload of Trouble' Event Winners Announced

Six winning teams

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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The winners of Skyforge’s “Boatload of Trouble” event have been announced.

If you’re unfamiliar with the event, the premise was very simple. In order to stop the Reapers, you had to invade their flagships and put a halt to their advance from within. You did this by completing the Flagship of the Reapers of Death Adventure. The fastest teams from each region to complete this would win, for a total of six winning teams.

The winners for the event have now been announced and are as follows:

  • PC NA
    • Fear Thedev, Naughty Senpai, Heavenly Raven, Kyuu Ketsuki, Sierra Stead
  • PC EU
    • Vantar Talthael, Lyafel Jette, Curaas Balda, Corben Rakoma, Clare Claymore
  • PS4 NA
    • alisky20, Mohmed205, Reklus_DoomMaven, DjSouLz_JD, dave_lightly
  • PS4 EU
    • Fox1488rus, an4enok, kingoflord1987, DzenV, byks1983
  • XBOX
    • PPTPAC, Rayleigh187, Morrigan op, XxMiSs PheniixX, AY PRiME

Each team member will be rewarded with a new legendary weapon from the Fifth Anniversary Expansion.