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Skyclimbers Ends Kickstarter with 1362% of its Original Funding Goal - Pre-Alpha Signups Live

Steven Weber Updated: Posted:
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We recently reported about a new game, Skyclimbers, which is an open-world multiplayer RPG with an Alpha planned for PC in Q2 of 2021, and its monumental funding success on Kickstarter. We’re happy to report, that the Kickstarter has now completed, and Paratope’s final pledge total is $340,721 out of the initial $25,000 it intended to raise to finish the game. A total of 1362% of its goal!

Skyclimbers is planned for PC, Mobile, Xbox, PlayStation, Stadia, GeForce Now, and the Nintendo Switch. Throughout the Kickstarter campaign, Paratope took to the comments section and answered numerous questions, provided videos of gameplay, and even placed sign-ups for pre-alpha testing. With Alpha planned for Q2 in 2021, that means that pre-alpha testers could get into the game within a few short weeks. You do not need to be a backer to sign up for pre-alpha testing.

While Skyclimbers didn’t reach the end of its posted stretch goals, the following list of features will be added to the game, based on the funding goals reached:

  • 100 more tamable Sentius
  • 4th Class – The Engineer
  • 48 Player Domination Game Mode
  • 5th Class – The Warg
  • 4th Dynasty – Koshimo
  • PvP Arenas and World Gyms

The team at Paratope has also outlined development in the Public Roadmap, so that players can see what features they can expect to see, and when, especially for those who get into pre-alpha and also gain Alpha access later. With Pre-Alpha development already underway, and testers headed into the game before Alpha starts, we may get to see more of Skyclimbers sooner than anticipated.


Steven Weber

Steven has been a writer at MMORPG.COM since 2017. A lover of many different genres, he finds he spends most of his game time in action RPGs, and talking about himself in 3rd person on his biography page.