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Shroud of the Avatar Build 1448 Brings Long-Awaited Movement Fixes

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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If you’ve been waiting for Shroud of the Avatar to issue fixes when you’re traveling around the world, patch 1448 should have you covered.

This build provides some fixes for loot imbalance in addition to several fixes for movement and terrain. For example, your feet won’t slide all over the place on the overworld. Additionally, if you’ve witnessed NPCs just sink into the ground, this patch should remedy that. Slanted objects from other players won’t bounce around the world anymore, and you’ll be able to see the terrain on Shaminian Hills once more.

Build 1443 released earlier this month and brought about several updates and fixes including:

  • Ancient Xenossian Shield now correctly applies Heraldry. If you already crafted this the Heraldry will be broken. You will need to do a pattern remover or contact a dev or support for a replacement.
  • Decoration, The Tower Archway Teleporter can now have other decorations placed upon it such as wall-hung banners and wall lighting.
  • Bug Fix, Splintering Strike no longer inappropriately indicates an increase to weapon damage occurs upon casting.
  • The Ice Spiders in Highvale Outskirts can now properly apply an icefield damage and slow effect to their victims, and the icon indicator showing they have an active ice field cast is now visible.
  • The frost giant should no longer magically regain half his life in rare situations and also heal at a slower rate.

You can check out the build notes here. Shroud of the Avatar has received pretty regular updates which remedy bugs and other issues. For example, build 1437 earlier this month brought about several fixes to Outlaws’ Run. Release 91 added a new daily quest and brought about several changes as well.