Seekers of Skyveil has officially dropped its NDA and released a new introduction and gameplay video showing off the hero-based extraction game.
The new dev video introduces a few members of the team, and introduces (or reintroduces) the game to us all. Calling the game a hero based extraction game with RPG and MOBA elements, we get a more extended peek at the gameplay and design goals from the team. Taking place in lawless lands where there is treasure that has been uncovered by Aura Storms, your team has to jump into the Everbloom, explore, find that treasure, and fight mobs and other players along the way to be victorious.
If you’ve ever played MOBAs, the design influences are clear, but the team is looking to do something different. The new dev update video is even titled, “Extraction Can Do So Much More”. You have some flexibility to go and look for loot, and you might find signs that other players had been there before, you can find those players and hunt them down and maybe scavenge some gear from them instead of taking a linear path and only looking for the treasure. The devs emphasize that you have some options since the extraction game loop is essentially get in, get the loot you came for, get out, and they want to give reasons to stick around, and even to try again.
Even if your team doesn't win, you get to keep something. You'll be able to get experience to put towards Seeker Mastery for progression, a little gold, and more. Even if your team doesn't win, you don't go away empty-handed. You might not make the most progress, but you will make some. Elodie wants participation to feel rewarding and victory to feel more rewarding. Thus, they're working to create a more progressive and positive gameplay loop so that it's more encouraging instead of a dark and gritty extraction title.
Seekers of Skyveil is set for a new playtest March 21st-22nd. In the next test, they are looking to get more player feedback to help them refine combat mechanics and balance the game.