OP Productions has issued a security alert to all users of The War Z's forums and game databases. The team detected an intrusion that has subsequently been shut down but players are urged to take precautions with their account details.
The data accessed included email addresses used to log-in to the forum and game, forum passwords which we encrypt, encrypted game passwords as well as in-game character names and the IP addresses from which players log-in to the forum and to the game. If you posted other information to the forum it is likely that such data was accessed as well. We do not collect the names or addresses of our gamers so that information was not impacted unless you posted it on the forum. We are investigating whether additional information may have been obtained.
No Payment information Exposed.
All payments are made through a third party and not through our system. Therefore there was absolutely no exposure of your payment or billing information of any kind.
Read the full alert on The War Z's site.