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Second Dinner Knocks Arishem Down a Peg, Buffs Thanos in Latest Marvel Snap Patch

Casey Bell Updated: Posted:
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Second Dinner’s latest over the air balance patch for Marvel Snap takes the wind out of Arishem’s sails and gives the Mad Titan Thanos another jolt of life to bring him back into the meta.

Arishem has been a difficult card to shake from the meta, proving both popular and effective with players on the ladder and in Conquest. Fortunately, Second Dinner has some levers to pull with the card, including adjusting how much random cards it adds to the players deck at the beginning of the match.

This is the approach the development team took with its latest balance patch, adding three additional random cards (for a total of 15) into the player’s deck, making it more difficult for players to draw the tech cards and other popular Arishem mainstays, effectively nerfing the deck archetype some. The additional cards also represent a buff for Arishem’s counters, such as Darkhawk and newcomer Cassandra Nova, the latter of which received a small nerf to balance things out.

Nova lost a power point going from 3/1 to 3/0 making her just slightly less effective vs. standard decks, though still netting out as a buff when facing off against Arishem.

The patch also includes buffs to Thanos’ Mind Stone bringing it back to a 1/1 from its previous 2/1 nerf and a small change to Angel bringing it to a 2/3.

For the full patch notes, head over to the official Marvel Snap website.


Casey Bell