Sea of Thieves is marking having reached the milestone of 25 million players, with a look back on the game's development and additions, as well as a new giveaway to celebrate and more.
First, the goodies. Anyone that logs into the game from today, October 19th and October 26th will get a special login bonus of 25,000 god and a gift of 22 doubloons. They're also giving a special prize to one random winner who turns in treasure during this time. That prize? 25 million in gold.
Executive Producer Joe Neate accompanied the giveaways with a list of 25 things the game has added in 2020 and 2021.There has been a lot going on in Sea of Thieves, with the introduction of seasons, with new content updates to match, the collaboration with Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean IP, and sustained growth too.
Some of the updates highlighted include the most recent addition, season four's The Sunken Kingdom, which has expanded the reach of adventure into the depths of the sea and the realm of the Sirens. Emissaries, a system that lets you take up business and represent trading companies on the sea, the associated Reaper's Bones followers adding to the risk and danger.
New shanties are also marked, and with 2020 being a year when sea shanties got popular, it was just the right time to feature and add them to this game about pirates. Neate also notes the introduction of the Sirens, which makes lore a playable feature at last. For some, the best additions just might have been the cats and dogs though. Having pets aboard, that you can actively pet, adds a little touch of fun and whimsy.
For more on the list of 25 features and additions highlighted, see this post over on the Sea of Thieves site.