Scars of Honor has an October development update, new Q&A, and a recap of its first big public convention appearance. They showed off several revamped classes, and dropped a few hints about the future.
The independent MMORPG’s time at BGS–South America’s largest gaming convention–was a successful one. Battleground Mode was available to try out, and the response was positive overall, as they show in the full update video. We should see more gaming convention appearances in the coming year.
Battleground Mode has a place when it comes to the game’s reworked classes. In the team video, we get to see a round of Battlegrounds with the Knight class, played by the game’s creative director, Venelin Vasilev. The Knight is your close-range heavy hitter, dealing damage and tanking, while also offering some defense and support.
The Ranger also gets a showcase. For this class, think mobility and precision, since this ranged class can target and pick off enemies from a distance, then get in and get out as fast.
Finally, they showed off the Mage, an glass cannon that can combine elemental spells to a devastating effect. You have options, like freezing your opponents with ice, burning them with fire, or even combining elements for more powerful attacks and finishing moves.
All of these class demos also show off the graphical updates for Scars of Honor, and the subsequent Q&A goes into sub-classes, and some of their vision for the game as well, as they continue with testing.