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RuneScape Reveals the Results of Sanctum of Rebirth Boss Dungeon Beta and Community Feedback

Alternate death mechanic is in, with an important change, weapons get bonus options, and more

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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The RuneScape team is following up with the previous request for community feedback on the upcoming Sanctum of Rebirth boss dungeon on the way.

In May, the team started a new devblog series, Right Click Examine (RCE)  to use in order to lay out development updates on the way and to let the community weigh in on upcoming features. First topic: Sanctum of Rebirth.

Not only did they ask about the T95 weapons, but they asked for input on an alternate death mechanic (knocked down but not out), and additional magic ability changes and the weapons. Those latter two were the focus of a short beta from the end of May to early June.

Now, they’ve followed up in a new RCE entry. On the set effects, after testing three options, there was a strong consensus for the third effect, which increased damage over time effects and could also generate Essence of Corruption.The team will be tweaking this for balance as well as working on concerns brought up over the DoT affect applications. 

They also brought into the discussion how Magic functions with dual-wield weapons and two-handed weapons. Ultimately, here, they want to keep both styles separate and viable, And reduce friction over power imbalance, so they've added Concentrated Blast access to both weapons, along with Sonic Wave and Magna Tempest. 

For that death mechanic proposal, the beta gave them enough feedback to tweak it to work in a slightly different way. instead of just having a player not die and be knocked down and out for a few seconds,  instead, the alternative death mechanic will now work when your life points hit zero, instead of just getting knocked down and out for a few seconds, you'll resurrect with something called Resurrection sickness. this gives you a damage immunity so that you don't go right back down, but it reduces your outgoing damage by a lot.

We'll learn more on all of this soon, since the dungeon is set to release this month, 


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.