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RuneScape Outlines New Combination Rune, 100-110 Magic Weapon Crafting

Victoria Rose Updated: Posted:
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RuneScape in all its ways is still working to keep things fresh, and it seems new 110 Magic Weapon Crafting and a new Rune will be next to mix things up.  Jagex gives a few details and updates on the new systems that’ll eventually be coming to the game. 

The new rune is called the Time Rune, which “utilizes wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff to create beneficial spells and effects,” in their own words. In short, all the planned spells they’re planning have to do with duration, expedience, and generally the passing in time, along with a few teleports. 

While they claim they’re balancing many of the numbers, they have a foundational idea of what sorts of perks this can give. For instance, an Advance Time spell can, well, advance time for timed expenditures, such as daily-mineable sandstones and Player Owned Ports voyages. Crumble Undead does increased damage against undead enemies. 

We don’t have specifics on how exactly this will be crafted, nor the final actual list of spells, they do note that you’ll need an Enchanted Key to do so. 

As for Weapon Creation, the team explains they listened to player feedback from past 110 crafting about the possible 100-110 tier for the Magical Weapons. Therefore, the system will be redesigned. The new system will be as follows, in their own words: 

  1. Using Eternal Magic logs, create an inert Wand, Orb, or Staff.
  2. Bring your regular Runecrafting loadout, essence, and an inert weapon to an altar.
  3. Start imbuing the weapon using pure essence, eventually upgrading it from its inert version to a wieldable level 85 weapon. 
    • Essence is consumed one by one, contributing to the progress of the weapon over time.
    • Repeat this process until it becomes a +5/Mk. 5 equivalent where it can then be used as a level 90 weapon, or sacrificed like Burial or Martial weaponry for a larger chunk of XP.

As they explain, the team’s goal is to “create an alternative way to gain experience in Runecrafting, making this method less click-intensive than current rune running. Players won’t need to navigate to altars as frequently, reducing the overall input required. Expect things like levelling benefits to also feature and offer bonuses for weapon creation.” 

There’ll be a Masterwork staff that looks pretty nifty so far, though all the precise details will stay under wraps to keep things a surprise. 

Finally, there’s a brief update on the Expansive Pouch, also known as the essence pouch. The devs have stated that thanks to player concerns, on release, it’ll be 70 slots instead of the 44 initially announced. Plus, it doesn’t degrade, so you can keep your Relic slot free. 

The RuneScape devs say that they’re not ready to announce a date on when this all will be released, but “we’re getting closer.” In the meantime, Jaxes promises a few nifty updates that are closer on the horizon, including boss weapon piece transmuting and interface sharing so you can stop squinting at screenshots to get your interface right. 


Victoria Rose

Victoria's been writing about games for over eight years, including small former tenures with Polygon and Fanbyte. She mostly spends time in FFXIV, head-deep in roleplay campaigns or stubbornly playing Black Mage through high-end raids. Former obsessions include Dota 2 and The Secret World (also mostly roleplaying). Come visit their estate: Diabolos (Crystal DC), Goblet, Ward 4, Plot 28.