Rise of the Zandalari has arrived for World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic. The troll empires take center stage as the Zandalari look to unite their empires into one huge, powerful and dominant empire.
As capitals Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman rebuild, they need additional forces and their people desire to expand their territories. Vol’jin seeks help as he and the Darkspear are not involved with the Zandalari, and instead are working to prevent widespread conflict. This is where you come in.
Threats arise in the jungles of Stranglethorn. The update features some new level 85 solo quests that will let you discover what's going on, meet and help some others along the way, like the Darkspear spirit-talker Bwemba, and assess the danger. Along the way, you'll also encounter various bosses throughout the jungles. Work to address the dangerous conflict and to help things settle down, and you could walk away with a number of rewards, including a panther pet.
Zul’Gurub and Zul'aman arrive as five-player level 85 heroic dungeons. Both are updated, including the encounters and mechanics, so while things should remain plenty familiar, there are still some things to discover. Your alliance with the Darkspear has earned the wrath of five bosses. Or six bosses if you have high enough Archaeology. Gri'lek, Renataki, Hazza'rah, or Wushoolay will be randomly selected as the sixth boss. If you are victorious, you'll not only get the loot for the main dungeon, but you'll also get some rewards unique to the particular boss that spawned.
Zul’Aman gets similarly updated, with updated mechanics and encounters to suit its New Life as a five player heroic dungeon. Take down the six bosses within and earn yourself some item level 353 epic quality loot. Speaking of loot, how about some rare mounts? Swift Zulian Panther and Armored Razzashi Raptor are loot from Zul’Gurub, while the Amani Battle Bear is yours if you kill the first four bosses in Zul'Aman within a limited time.