The Texas Story Project recently completed a short interview with Portalarium's Richard Garriott about his career in gaming. He traces his path through his beginnings in high school and shows off pieces of his collection that are now collectible historical pieces in the timeline of video gaming. It's a fascinating look at one of the pioneers of the video games industry.
Today, the video game industry is growing to be bigger than all other media combined. Many modern games, in Garriott’s view, use new computing power to sell “bells and whistles,” but, he notes, “while they will sell great, I do not believe they will be remembered, because they are very quickly surpassed by the next generation of bells and whistles.”
Richard Garriott continues to draw inspiration from beyond the gaming industry itself, using his interests in history, science, culture, and philosophy, to strive to make games that are original, compelling, and lasting.
According to the latest Shroud of the Avatar newsletter, this project is part of the Pong to Pokemon: The Evolution of Electronic Gaming currently on display through the end of next week.
Check out the rest of the newsletter on the Shroud of the Avatar site.